Welcome to Season 3
Patrons of the Pillow,
Season 3 of Ts&Zzz has officially on its way!
After 2 seasons and 30 episodes I have been reflecting on the show’s mission of helping people fall asleep and realized the show’s format could use some fine tuning.
It goes back to the original concept for the show. I have been using podcasts as a way to help me fall asleep for years. It was the dialog that I found to be effective in helping me fall asleep. The conversation between hosts acted as a focal point for my mind when I was having trouble sleeping, allowing me to clear my head of any stressors or anxiety and finally creating the ideal conditions to gently fall asleep.
Reading terms of service agreements as a monologue has worked but I think incorporating conversation will greatly improve the show’s effectiveness. This is what we are bringing to Ts&Zzz - dialog.
To help with this change in format I now have a co-host my brother Doug! He will be joining the show on a weekly cadence to engage in a conversation with me about the most boring documents on the internet. It’s sure to be knockout for anyone having trouble falling asleep.
Dailog as been an effective way for me to fall asleep and I hope it works just as well for you.
Here’s to Better Sleep!